11 Testimonies – Các Lời Chứng


Please read these testimonies (các lời chứng trong tiếng Anh): https://mmstestimonials.co/


Please watch these informative videos about Chlorine Dioxide (các video thông tin về CD trong tiếng Anh do Nguyễn Ngọc Thanh sưu tập):

Cholrine Dioxide Explaining:

Interviewing Andreas Kalcker about Chlorine Dioxide (“The Universal Antidote”):

Chlorine Dioxide – The Bane of Big Pharma’s Existence:

Peru Votes to Study Chlorine Dioxide Against COVID-19 (the “BLEACH”!):

4.28 News Flash: Chlorine Dioxide, Maricopa Audit, John Kerry, Rudy’s Raid, Fake News Attacks:

01. https://youtu.be/etQwS0_vPnc
02. https://youtu.be/874zRsnVeC8
03. https://youtu.be/EYgIXr8L6kY
04. https://youtu.be/fPdKmfCQmZA
05. https://youtu.be/ncbFmLXp3Es
06. https://youtu.be/PCNe11lffMc
07. https://youtu.be/ZsivplMxL3A
08. https://youtu.be/N76obxuBTPo
09. https://youtu.be/bRzFSBERN78

10. https://youtu.be/03O9SgVBzJ8
11. https://youtu.be/wd9IdsJMjb4
12. https://youtu.be/6MMb1DDDnMk
13. https://youtu.be/ryNKnR4Qbuw
14. https://youtu.be/7RADgiiY6Yc
15. https://youtu.be/KPpwrx9jQ0k
16. https://youtu.be/VIXqu5hQolQ
17. https://youtu.be/spjNQfnOZX4
18. https://youtu.be/HBMVwimsNPA
19. https://youtu.be/c8iMq4TKBcU
20. https://youtu.be/2UvGNQKpIg4

21. https://youtu.be/eWgm-YmuYCE
22. https://youtu.be/TL3n25BO840
23. https://youtu.be/Z7R3-OGg8Lc
24. https://youtu.be/HVDjj26mX_s
25. https://youtu.be/qjDqiuNS86w
26. https://youtu.be/UnMRiubnXaE
27. https://youtu.be/5MCAOxYF5r0
28. https://youtu.be/XbCQFpH-PfM
29. https://youtu.be/3MkmRt0Qm6s
30. https://youtu.be/WGBszYK2It0